MEDTRAK VNG Hardware & Software

INTERPRA Data Interpretation

REHABILITATION Equipment & Training
Caloric Irrigation

The ATMOS Varioair is used for "dry" thermal examination of the vestibular organ by means of air. Special features are an extremely precise temperature control and an exact dosage of the air flow. During unchanged stimulation periods, a constant level of the transmitted thermal energy is guaranteed. The Varioairs dry therrmal examination allows for a clean, dry medium for ease of use with regards to patient comfort and for rooms where water cannot be used as the stimulating medium.
The ATMOS Variotherm plus is used for caloric examination of the vestibular organ by means of water. The generation of biofilms and, accordingly, the spread of germs inside the unit is diminished by a thermal process for reducing bacterial count. Stimulation periods can be preset and the water flow is restricted to 150 ml/min. during stimulation. With the time control off, the Variotherm plus can be used for all types of irrigations in the ENT field; the full flow quantity of up to 430 ml/min is then available.
- Data Interpretation
Provided by Interpra
Managed by S & S Health Products, Inc. - Vestibular Rehabilitation
Experts in physical therapy provided by SCOTTPT.com Managed by S & S Health Products, Inc.
Our Main Business Products and Services Overview

VNG Hardware & Software
The MedTrak VNG, Inc. 2012
videonystagmography system:
FDA 510k

Data Interpretation
Interpra, Inc.: VNG Interpretation software created specifically for the MedTrak VNG system.
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Training and Support
A web based, online video training library specifically designed to assist the VNG technician and the medical practitioner.
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Vestibular Rehabilitation
Online video training library, live telephone support and a 65 page vestibular and neurological treatment manual.
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Rehabilitation Hardware and Software
The Falltrak II Balance system couples Balance Software with the most popular balance board in the gaming industry.
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Professional Solutions
MedTrak VNG and its strategic alliances have created a comprehensive continuum of excellence.
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